A theft charge can be quite serious, and the consequences of these charges can have lasting impacts, including possible jail time or a criminal conviction on your record. Theft or stealing charges range in severity. Depending on the amount of the stolen items, charges can be either misdemeanors or felonies. Even a misdemeanor charge can have a serious range of punishment that can include fines of thousands of dollars or jail. Felony charges have a much harsher range of punishment and can be prosecuted aggressively. A felony theft charge usually occurs with losses of $500.00 or more, and has the potential to land you in prison, or cost you other rights in the future. Even shoplifting can be charged as a theft case, and punishments can include jail or heavy fines.
Receiving stolen property can also be charged as a felony in Missouri. If you receive property and believe it to be stolen, or have a reason to know it was stolen, you could be facing similar penalties. A felony conviction can prevent you from finding employment opportunities or getting approval on a background check. It is important to hire an attorney if you are facing any of these charges and seek legal counsel for assistance.