Are You Facing Gender Discrimination in the Workplace?
There are federal and Missouri state laws that address gender discrimination in the workplace. These laws apply to both genders from both sides, meaning that men and women are equally prohibited from discrimination against both males and females. Employers of either gender can be found guilty of discriminating against or harassing employees or applicants of either gender. In other words, a male employer can discriminate against other men or could discriminate against women, and vice versa.
Examples of discrimination include refusing to hire an applicant because of his or her gender or limiting, classifying, or segregating employees based on gender (Missouri Human Rights Act). It can also include situations where employers compensate different genders unequally or treat some employees better than others in various ways, including such things as offering promotions to one gender exclusively.
All gender discrimination is illegal, according to the Missouri Human Rights Act, and for employers with 15+ employees, the Civil Rights Act, Title VII. Yet, the employee who raises the accusation of gender discrimination against an employer must be able to prove that discrimination is occurring, and that there is not another reasonable explanation, such as a seniority or merit system, at work.
What Can You Do About Gender Discrimination in Missouri?
If you believe that you are facing gender discrimination in the workplace in Missouri, you should contact a gender discrimination lawyer for a free consultation to discuss the merits and potential value of your claim as well as the steps that you need to take to confront the situation.
Sometimes, employers may make decisions or take actions that do not seem discriminatory in premise, but ultimately result in discrimination. You may be able to address unintentional acts without taking the case to court, or you may need to pursue a claim against your employer to right the wrong that has been done. The attorneys at Cornerstone Law Firm will provide a free consultation to help you establish whether or not gender discrimination has occurred and guide you in the steps ahead.